25 Tips to make an e-bike more easier on riders’ necks, shoulders, arms, hands and caboose We at Best Electric Bikes are bike nerds. We don’t just love e-bikes or regular bikes or kids bikes; we even love bike parts. The upshot is that when our friends come to us complaining that their neck/shoulders/derriere hurt […]
Should E-Bikes Get UL Certified Batteries?
That may seem like an odd question, as if we were asking whether batteries should be safe or not. Only an anarchist (or a sociopath) would argue against safe batteries. The question is, what constitutes safe? How far does the e-bike industry need to go to ensure that e-bikes are safe to use? The issue […]
How Much Money Can an E-Bike Save on Gas?
A lot. E-Bikes can save you a lot of gas money. That’s not really the way to start a piece of service journalism meant to educate people about e-bikes, but we’re cutting to the chase because the difference is so vast we want to begin with the message that the difference an e-bike makes becomes […]
3 Reasons to Consider a Class 3 E-Bike
In a car, 28 mph is slow. On an e-bike, 28 mph is fast. Really fast; things happen quickly. Part of the difference is that with the wind rushing over our bodies, we have a greater sense of movement. It’s also easy to look down and see just how fast the ground is moving below […]
The Benefits of E-Bike Subsidies
Among the many things our federal government does is provide subsidies for a variety of kinds of expenditures. Energy companies get them; farmers get them when crop prices fall; veterans get them to go to college after leaving the military. The transportation sector gets them as well and one of the ways the government has […]
Are Mid-Drives E-Bikes Worth the Price Difference of a Hub Motor
Some advice we often give here at Best Electric Bikes for anyone shopping for an e-bike, the single biggest factor in determining an e-bike’s price is the kind of motor it is designed to use. The rise of brushless, geared hub motors is what allowed and encouraged the huge growth in the sub-$2000 end of […]
Is it better to have a cadence or torque sensor on a hub motor
While there is a lively debate to decide on getting an e-bike with a mid-drive or a hub-drive motor, you can dive even deeper. If you’re looking at hub motors, should you get one with a torque or cadence sensor? As inventions go, e-bikes rank as one of the better uses for an electric motor […]
How Long Do eBikes Typically Last?
For some questions, the answers are easy. What day is Christmas? Who won the Superbowl? Will the Big Bad Wolf blow down a house made of straw? Other questions aren’t as simple. Which is Led Zeppelin’s best album? Where should I go on vacation this year? Tougher still: How long does an e-bike last? An […]
Best Electric Bikes of 2024
Just when we think e-bikes can’t improve or become more affordable, they do. As much as we thought 2022 was the perfect time for someone to purchase an e-bike, it is obvious from what we are seeing that 2024 will be an even better year to purchase an e-bike. Whether someone is shopping for their […]
How Do I Replace My E-Bike Battery?
The average e-bike battery is said to last about three years; less if it is charged daily, more if it isn’t ridden year-round. Due to the specialized connectors involved and the variety of different sizes of e-bike batteries from a capacity standpoint, replacing an e-bike battery isn’t like replacing the AAA batteries in the TV […]