Most electric bike components are built to last, but even the best component will eventually get worn down so much that you have to replace it. One such part you will have to replace every three to five years is the eBike battery. Even the best electric bikes won’t have batteries that last forever. There […]
eBikes For Hunters: What To Look For When Buying
Electric bikes are used for a wide range of sports and activities. Racing, cruising, or traveling cross-country being a few of the more popular activities. A sport that is becoming increasingly popular with eBike cyclists is hunting, with some companies making dedicated eBikes for hunters. There are many significant performance advantages offered by eBikes that […]
Electric Bike Batteries: Does the Brand Matter?
We get questions about electric bikes & e-bike components every day, but one of the most popular ones we always get asked about is eBike batteries. What does a BMS do on an eBike battery, how to make eBike batteries last long term, and how to maximize your eBike battery range are just a few […]
E-BikeSafety Tips
eBike Safety Tips Despite what some people may believe, riding an electric bike isn’t any more dangerous than riding a traditional bicycle. While the potential damage and harm resulting from improper use are more significant on an eBike, your risk of suffering an accident is virtually the same. Even so, very few accidents involving eBikes […]
How Important is Frame Material on Electric Bikes?
Whether you’re building your own eBike or looking to purchase a new eBike, deciding what frame material to go with is one of the most important decisions to consider. While many cyclists prefer to spend time researching motors, batteries, and drivetrains, the reality is that the frame will have a more impact on your ride […]
How Do You Figure Out The Expected Range Of eBikes?
When it comes to determining which eBike to buy, one of the most important questions you can ask is how far an eBike can travel before it needs recharging. The good news is that, even many basic entry-level eBikes on the market will now travel 30 to 40 miles, or more, before you need to […]
Smart eBikes And Their Features
Electric bikes are seeing massive innovations year after year. And one of the ways we see a dramatic improvement is in their smart functionality. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, ‘smart eBikes’ refers to electric bikes with wireless connectivity. Functions that unlock additional features, programs, and performance that would be unavailable if you didn’t have […]
Major Car Companies Are Joing The Electric Bike Trend
Electric bikes are growing more popular by the year, with many bike manufacturers trying their hand and offering eBike models along with their traditional non-motorized frames. However, it isn’t just standard bicycle companies releasing eBike models, but many major car and motorcycle manufacturers are releasing their models. GM, Mercedes Benz, Ford, Harley Davidson, and several […]
A Brief History Of eBikes
The modern electric bike has only caught on with cyclists in the last couple of decades due to the contemporary innovations that finally made eBikes a viable electric vehicle for every day use. With more eBikes hitting the market, many cyclists are curious about the history of eBikes and where they originated. And they’re also […]
Traveling With Ebikes
Electric bikes are a fantastic way to get around, but eventually, you’re going to want to travel utilizing something other than your eBike. However, that doesn’t mean you have to leave your eBike at home! So whether you’re traveling a few miles away or across the county, you might want to bring an eBike with […]