Okay, before anyone starts hyperventilating, let’s be clear that we’re not advocating that readers learn how to work on their e-bike. That said, there’s a difference between being able to do all the maintenance on an e-bike and understanding an e-bike well enough to take care of it, which includes knowing a few basics, as […]
What Are the Safety Standards for Folding E-Bikes?
Is my e-bike safe? That’s about as simple a question as someone might ask about an e-bike. Will it deliver me to my destination? Whether that destination is school, the office or back home after a run to the grocery store, no one should be wondering if their e-bike—folding or not—is safe. Folding e-bikes are […]
Electric Cars Shouldn’t Detract From Electric Bikes
When your day job is writing about e-bikes, you become the e-bike person for all your friends. There are worse things you could be known for; being considered the resident expert for something most folks consider a fun purchase isn’t a bad gig. We do, however, get all the questions, including ones we don’t think […]
Can You Ride An E-Bike With Bad Knees?
Torn ACLs, arthritis, osteoporosis and more—there are any number of injuries, diseases and medical conditions that can make exercise hard, if not downright impossible. Being active is one of the great joys of being human and if that’s taken away, well … where’s the Prozac? A question we often get from friends, family and readers […]
Guide To Electric Bike Mid-Drive Motors
There are two ways to power an e-bike. One is by adding power at the wheels—usually, but not always the rear wheel. The other is to add power at the pedals, or more specifically, at the crank. Mid-drive motors confer a number of advantages to an e-bike, including improving the bike’s handling by helping to […]
6 Ideas for Modding your eBike
Whether you have a brand new eBike or one you’ve been riding for a while, you’re eventually going to be tempted to make some modifications to it for a better, more personalized riding experience. However, if you’re a relatively new or inexperienced biker, you might not even be sure of what parts you can easily […]
Guide to Understanding Electric Bike Classes
Electric bikes, or eBikes as they’re more commonly called, are growing more and more popular with each passing year, causing more eBike products to flood the market. With a greater variety of eBikes to choose from, it can be difficult to guess or understand the performance offered by any individual bike at first glance. Furthermore, […]
Is It Safe To Take Kids On An eBike?
Electric bikes are becoming more popular each year. But if you pay attention to who’s riding them, you’ll notice it’s mostly adult riders. Many parents are willing to take their children out with them on traditional bicycles but have more trepidation when riding eBikes with their children. For some reason, many parents believe riding an […]
Dutch Safety Standard For E-Bike Helmets: Why Does It Matter?
Helmets are not created equal. And while helmets are not created equal, we’re pleased to report that every helmet sold in the US meets stringent requirements for rider safety. Recently, though, another helmet standard has emerged and is being promoted for e-bike riders. Since 1999, every helmet sold in the US has been required by […]
Guide To Cargo E-Bikes
Of the many new e-bike models that manufacturers have introduced this year, one consistent theme has emerged: 2023 is the year of the cargo e-bike. We’ve seen new models introduced by Specialized, Lectric, Aventon, Blix and Tern, among others. So why a guide to cargo e-bikes? Well, the big reason is to show shoppers just […]