Most e-bikes sold in the US come with a throttle, so judging the value of a throttle may seem irrelevant, but they deserve some consideration for a variety of reasons. They offer a handy feature for many riders, but they come with some potential liabilities. In our look at throttles, we will break down both […]
Hub-Drive Vs. Mid-Drive E-Bike Motors: Which Do You Need?
Once someone has decided that they want to purchase an e-bike, arguably no decision is more important than whether to go with a bike with a hub motor or one with a mid-drive motor. The performance differences are notable, but that’s not why this choice is so pivotal. E-bikes with mid-drive motors are notably more […]
Understanding E-Bike Drivetrains
Of mankind’s many inventions, the bicycle is one of the most significant. And the e-bike is the only way we topped the bicycle itself. Of all of man’s assorted conveyances—feet, horse, car, boat, plane—the bicycle is the single most efficient because it allows us to multiply our effort thanks to gearing. And of the many […]
How To Protect Your E-Bike From Theft
Having anything stolen is the worst. Trust us, we know. And having an e-bike stolen feels personal. Also, we know. So when we say it’s important to protect your e-bike from theft, we know from personal experience what is good enough to protect an e-bike and what steps are not good enough to make sure […]
The 4 Best Reasons To Switch To An Electric Bike
Is it really that great? The “it” here being riding an e-bike. It’s a common question for people contemplating—but not committed to—an e-bike purchase. It’s a reasonable consideration, especially as most of us can’t afford to drop $1000 or more just to try an alternative form of transportation. Whether people are contemplating an e-bike for […]
How Often Does My E-Bike Need Maintenance?
The answer might surprise some folks. The simple truth is, not very often. E-bikes are made to be used day-in-day-out by regular people who don’t know how to give an e-bike a tuneup. They need to be able to function faithfully or they aren’t very useful as a substitute for a car. As a result, […]
What Tools Does an E-Bike Owner Need?
Okay, before anyone starts hyperventilating, let’s be clear that we’re not advocating that readers learn how to work on their e-bike. That said, there’s a difference between being able to do all the maintenance on an e-bike and understanding an e-bike well enough to take care of it, which includes knowing a few basics, as […]
What Are the Safety Standards for Folding E-Bikes?
Is my e-bike safe? That’s about as simple a question as someone might ask about an e-bike. Will it deliver me to my destination? Whether that destination is school, the office or back home after a run to the grocery store, no one should be wondering if their e-bike—folding or not—is safe. Folding e-bikes are […]
Electric Cars Shouldn’t Detract From Electric Bikes
When your day job is writing about e-bikes, you become the e-bike person for all your friends. There are worse things you could be known for; being considered the resident expert for something most folks consider a fun purchase isn’t a bad gig. We do, however, get all the questions, including ones we don’t think […]
Can You Ride An E-Bike With Bad Knees?
Torn ACLs, arthritis, osteoporosis and more—there are any number of injuries, diseases and medical conditions that can make exercise hard, if not downright impossible. Being active is one of the great joys of being human and if that’s taken away, well … where’s the Prozac? A question we often get from friends, family and readers […]